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Veil of Eternity...

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Sunday, Jun. 23, 2013 - 9:37 a.m.


When we die, we'll look back through the veil or scroll at our lives on earth and be surprised at how many times we had interaction with forces of the supernatural -- angels, the dark side, deceased relatives.

Right now, we rely on glimpses.

Many of you have noted such experiences.

To the mailbox: "My brother told me this story this weekend, very beautiful indeed!" wrote Mark Endres of Madison, Wisconsin. "His son was involved in a near fatal accident several years ago. His head was almost crushed while lifting weights in the gym. He was a college football player. The bar slipped while lifting more than 250 pounds, and hit him on his forehead while he was laying on his back. He ended up in the emergency room for several days.

"He was in a Catholic hospital.

"While recovering, a very nice lady came in and asked him if he wanted Communion. Being Catholic, he said yes. He had never met the lady before, and was taken by her loving and gentle personality. He asked the lady her name. She said her name was 'Christine.' He then asked her were she was from. She said 'Martinsville.'

"As she gave him Communion the phone rang next to his bed. It was his dad (my brother) calling him to see how he was doing. He then consumed the Eucharist and took the call. After a moment, my nephew turned to say goodbye to the nice lady, but she was gone.

"Later on that day, he asked his nurse who the nice lady was that came to his room. She said she did not know but would check into it. Later the nurse said she checked the hospital records and that he had not been scheduled for Communion that day. And no lady by the name of 'Christine' was registered to deliver Communion. It's a Catholic hospital called St. Mary's. My nephew told his father about it a couple days later, while still in the hospital. [As he found out], 'Christine' is the name of our grandmother, and she lived and died in 'Martinsville,' a little farming community some fifteen miles away."

"After reading today's article on, 'Where angels walk,' I had to share my story with you," wrote Opal Boudreaux of Barataria, Louisiana.

"Two weeks ago, I believe I had an encounter with my own guardian angel through his protection. My husband had been working on our upstairs porch by getting the rails ready for paint by bringing them downstairs, but he left some upstairs on the porch until he was ready for them. He forgot to tell me that he had loosened them from their supports and they were just standing there with no support from nails.

"One early evening while my husband was away at a meeting, I was sitting watching television when I thought I heard someone drive into our driveway, and so I looked outside downstairs through the windows to see who it was and when I saw no one, I hurriedly went outside to the porch to look over the rail to see if I could see who it may have been.

"As I do always, I leaned on the rail to look and that is when I felt as though someone was behind me holding me back for I started to feel the rail move.

"Imagine my surprise when I realized that the rail was not attached to the house, but just standing there. I remember taking in what almost happened to me, and just started praising God for sending my guardian angel to save me from falling twelve feet to the ground. My poor husband was beside himself when I told him what happened and the next day he posted danger signs all over the porch. Guess it just wasn't my time to go yet. Am I feeling blessed these days? Oh yes!"

The Lord takes us to new heights -- and also saves us from the heights on earth. Some heights are yet higher. "After reading your main article about angels, I wanted to share one that I think about often," wrote a viewer from Melville, New York. "I have many nieces and nephews who I pray daily for from when they were first born. But one nephew has always had a very special place in my heart. Aside from the fact that he was always in trouble from when he was very small, I have always done extra prayers and penance for him.

"He has always been a 'bad boy,' but from when he was born, he was always my favorite. He would always make fun of me and joke around about saints and angels. His father is a fallen-away Catholic who has been away from the Church for about forty years. Needless to say, my nephew does not believe in anything. During holiday dinners he would peer into my dinner plate and say 'I see Mother Theresa in your potatoes.' Or he would state, 'Look at Jesus� face in your dessert.'

"Anyway, it was last year around this time, we were celebrating my great niece�s second birthday. He came late with his wife. When they arrived, he pulled me aside and said he had to tell me something that happened to him, that he didn�t even tell his wife.

"He looked a little confused but I listened to his story.

"He was very serious when he said that some type of Divine Intervention had just taken place. It seems that he was working in Manhattan wiring a new building (he is an electrician). He was on the sixth floor and went to wire the outside balcony except there were no guard rails; it was all open. He slipped on plastic that had been placed on the ground by another worker and he went flying over the ledge. He said two invisible hands caught him and placed him back up on the ledge.

"I asked him if he knew why that happened to him, and his answer was 'Yeah, because you pray for me all the time.' I said to him, that is part of it but the other part I said was God forbid you did fall, you would have died and gone to hell. He said to me, 'there is no such thing as hell!' I said to him that the devil wants him to believe that because he already has him. I explained how his guardian angel has been working overtime to protect him. I guess he thought about what I told him because after that he started having panic attacks and didn�t want to go to work. Then I almost had a heart attack when he asked me if we could bring a priest to his home and have it blessed. He and his wife have started going to church, which is a major step to heaven. He still has a very long way to go, but God Bless our guardian angels!"


They are what they are. Take what feeling they bequeath and go with it, is the only counsel we (imperfect in our discernment) can give.

"Here's a story of love, hope, and joy," wrote Eileen Piergiovanni. "My very dear friend lost her husband from a massive heart attack over a year ago. They were very close and it has been a rough adjustment to life without him.

"A few weeks after he died we went to Mass and stayed until everyone left the church. As we left there was a perfect red rose on top of a shrub. (It was not a rose bush -- it had no flowers at all).

"The rose was fresh and fragrant and trimmed like it just had been bought at a flower shop. I picked it up and gave it to my friend and said it must be a gift from heaven via St Therese, the little flower. Since then she has had many unusual, beautiful experiences that have given her strength and hope for the future!

"Last week she went to Block Island, Rhode Island with friends. It was a bittersweet trip because she and her husband planned to vacation there this year. She was on a ferry and saw a lighthouse and struck by it's stark beauty she took a picture. A few days ago she looked at the picture and was stunned by the 'angel' that appears in the picture [above left]. As soon as I saw it my tears flowed freely, I felt joy and hope. My friend knows this photo is a special gift for her and her family. She also wants to share it with everyone as a sign of joy and hope. Wishing you peace and God's blessings."

[resources: In the Arms of Angels]

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